2025 Reference Poll Sires


9- Sons Catalogued. In 2022 I visited NZ looking at all the leading stud herds in the country. Matariki is an impressive operation running all cattle under real world commercial conditions with a real world modern commercial market focus. Although the country side looks different the philosophy of running a stud was just like being at Injemira. Neptune was a bull that impressed immediately. So much carcase with a doing ability I require on a very structurally sound base. He certainly has impressed with this first drop of calves. Highlights include the ET brothers at lots 40,41 & 42. NB: We haven't sold any semen in this sire in Australia, so a son is your only opportunity to gain access to this wonderful sire. 

Pedigree: [ click here ]


16- Sons Catalogued. In 2022 I visited NZ looking at all the leading stud herds in the country. Matariki is an impressive operation running all cattle under real world commercial conditions with a real world modern commercial market focus. Although the country side looks different the philosophy of running a stud was just like being at Injemira. Navigator was a bull that impressed immediately, he is just such a long bodied sire with fantastic data. He certainly has impressed with this first drop of calves. Highlight of the calf drop is the overall consistency of type. NB: We haven't sold any semen in this sire in Australia, so a son is your only opportunity to gain access to this wonderful sire. 

Pedigree: [ click here ]


12- Sons Catalogued. In 2022 Richard or "King Dick" as we call him was purchased at the Wodonga National Show & Sale for $70,000 by Injemira. I always say if I see a really good bull I will buy it. Richard certainly ticked all my boxes as i think he was the best sire I had seen at that sale for many years. His progeny are very consistent and what is a great sign as progeny data gets added his Breedplan figures are improving every month. A number of standout sons are catalogued throughout the sale and I am sure this new outcross sire will be in demand. 

Pedigree: [ click here ]


8- Sons Catalogued. At Injemira I am always looking all over the world for new outcross genetics and Trademark hit the bill. I need to bring our commercial clients new and world leading genetics to enhance their herds consistently. In a partnership with ABS Australia I recieved a 12 month exclusivity right on the use of Trademark giving you the Injemira clients a head start. I am so impressed with the progeny on the ground and in this sale. It's always a worry bringing in genetics from the US. Will they be marketable in Australia. Trademark is a big yes, they are full of meat with great pigment and a dark red colour throughout. Some of the sons in 2025 will excite.

Pedigree: [ Click here ]

Name: ELITE N314 R123 (P) 

18- Sons Catalogued. R123 is a bull that I just have to keep using. He just throws so much carcase shape and overall power. His data is just improving and is highlighted by the EMA figure being in the top 1% of the breed at an amazing +10.8. He only had a few sons in the 2024 sale and they sold well, to a top of $18,000. The sons in 2025 are much better in terms of real world commercial power. You will notice this sire line on sale day.

Pedigree: [ click here ]


9- Sons catalogued. Patriarch has done a wonderful job over heifers and now cows. Purchased in 2020 as the second top priced bull at the Bowen production sale he impressed me for the balance of calving ease, growth and muscle content from a predictable pedigree. He has not disappointed, he really puts a stamp on his progeny with very little tail in his offspring as a group. In 2023 he produced the top selling bull selling to the Elsom family for $75,000 and he did it again in 2024, topping the sale at $75,000. 

Pedigree: [ click here ]


6- Sons Catalogued. The Heidelberg sons are everything we hoped for. He was purchased for his extreme carcase shape and he certainly breeds that on. That carcase is certainly backed up by his strong carcase EBVs with both EMA and Marbling in the top 1% of the breed. In 2024 he had a son as the second top priced bull selling to Willinga for $40,000. Some really exciting sons are catalogued in 2025.

Pedigree: [ click here ]


5- Sons Catalogued. Kickstart R172 in my opinion is the best P093 son bred at Injemira, so I decided to keep him as a backup AI joining sire and he has not disappointed. The sons have big 'panda' eyes with tremendous length and carcase coming from an extremely low birth calving ease base. if you are looking for a heifer bull, a R172 son will certainly let you get on with work when the heifers are calving. 

Pedigree: [ click here ]

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